In choosing news stories to feature in each episode, we regularly trawl around 50 different news websites based in around 30 different countries, including reputable news agencies like Reuters, the press centers of organizations like the United Nations, and the news channels of national broadcasters. We also draw on other published editorial materials, commentaries on geopolitical and history contexts, podcast and broadcast news. Our searching includes reporting from many countries, including some that may be subject to censoring or present singular views on what they report.
Our aim is to feature stories that may not be making the headlines in our own countries–to cast a net in our search that is truly global. We also aim to keep a check on stories that were making headlines in the recent past and the longer-term, ongoing situations, not least what is happening to our planet. We are not about taking sides on any issue, getting into debate or entertaining division–simply to understand where healing is needed, and to play our part in willing this to be.
A key question for us in forming intentions is–what can we trust about what is reported? In short, we don’t always know what is fact, or whether all relevant sides relating to a story have been reported. Sometimes, this may simply be due to the fact that a journalist hasn’t been able to investigate a story in detail. In other cases, it may be due to a deliberate editorial or political bias.
To help limit our exposure to fake or unbalanced news, we aim to seek out a range of sources. However, we can’t be sure that we always get to see the full facts. Intentions may also deal with situations that aren’t reported at all, but which will for an influence beyond the public stage–appealing to those involved in private diplomacy, for example, and addressing geopolitics that isn’t always known in the public sphere.
Heartfelt or Spirit-led sensing of what is true and what isn’t is our ultimate guide when offering suggested intentions, even if we may not always know whether the full detail of a news story tells the whole picture. We believe that the Universe is fully capable of directing our intentions where they are meant to go.