We believe that holding an intention to heal, inspire or prompt change really makes a difference. While we talk about intention, we also refer to a deep yearning or desire for change that comes from within. Depending on your worldview, this may be thought of as originating a ripple or vibration directly to the intended person or other focus for the intention, or as a prayer or intercession on another’s behalf. You may relate to this as being about a field of consciousness, quantum entanglement (a concept of quantum physics), unity consciousness, Divine power, energy sending or some other force. People of any or no faith tradition or spirituality may feel at home in our community.
Healing and energy practices, not to mention the Power of Attraction, are closely aligned with what we believe. The phenomena of entanglement that astounds quantum physicists also seems consistent with what Indian yogis taught millennia ago. Research by the HeartMath® Institute, the Transcendental Meditation® movement (TM) and The Intention Experiment (led by author Lynne McTaggart) provide extensive compelling evidence to support the efficacy of intention work, while spiritual teachers, scriptures and mystic writings from many faiths also speak about the power of the human heart to heal and bring about positive change in our world. This is also at the core of lovingkindness, or mettā, practice, which is advocated by all major faith traditions, and which we wholeheartedly embrace.
Intentions may be offered for anyone or anything. Hence, the plight of animals, the course of natural events, and the threat to life posed by global warming are often in our sights, alongside the situations faced by groups of people, world leaders and others who are in positions of power to influence change.
The intentions we offer appeal for change rather than seek to impose our will on others. We respect free will – hence, what we offer as intention to a world leader may be that their heart and mind is opened to a course of action, rather than they will feel forced to respond in a particular way. Not everyone in our community will always feel that the intentions we suggest resonate for them–but we are learning and do our best to avoid framing ones that infer any political or other leaning.
Both from our own experience, and seen in the research of The Intention Experiment and others, we are convinced that intentions that are very clear, focused and specific are most effective. General wishes, such as willing for peace in a country, have their place in prayer and healing work, but we believe, are likely to have less obvious impact than intentions that are very clearly framed. Ambiguous intentions are even more unlikely to reach their targets.
We don’t routinely monitor whether intentions we have held come to be. Indeed, this isn’t always possible, as what we will for may not be made public. However, we often do in passing learn that intentions have been answered–or better. These are moments for gratitude, while recognising that what has brought about a change may rarely be exclusively down to our holding, but being in no doubt that we have played an important part!
In the podcast, our focus is on what’s happening around the world at any time. We don’t hold intention for individual listeners, although are always open to hearing suggested topics for focus in future episodes. Personal requests may be made through our Facebook group. Clive also hosts a weekly vigil on the Insight Timer app (Thursday 17:00-19:00 ET), where individual requests for prayer, intention and energy sending may be made.